Stage Motors

Used Stage Motors Categories

Find used audio, used lighting, used video, used staging and used power distribution for the event, church and production industries. Solaris is the worlds premiere distributor of theater and concert equipment and is the only distributor that specializes in finding the best maintained equipment for our clients.

Used Stage Motors Equipment for Theater, Concert Touring & Churches

Stage Motors and Hoists

Used Stage Motors and Hoists

Motors are used in electronic stage hoists for lifting and transporting heavy stage and concert equipment and props around a theatre or venue. Motors are needed as theatrical plays and concerts often involve the use of equipment that is too heavy or ...

Motor and Hoist Controllers

Used Motor and Hoist Controllers

Any stage or theatrical production has some technical aspects which need to be operated by controllers. One of the most common of these is the theatrical rigging system or fly system, which refers to a system that enables a stage crew to fly componen...

Used Stage Lighting Rigging Equipment Rentals Video Equipment Rentals Audio Equipment Rentals Best Locksmith Las Vegas